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Reviewing a Document in Rapidocs

You can review any document in our document libraries,  using the Preview tab associated with each document title.  This Preview function gives you the ability to see the questions and available responses, and the assembly of the documents in the right-hand side of the screen.

If you want to go through each Questionnaire like a client would; submit it to the firm; access it as the attorney; and then export a completed set of docs, please take the following steps:

1)  Log into your Attorney Dashboard, click on the Client Admin tab

2)  Search on All clients -- you'll see there's a sample client account listed under your email address.
3)  Click on the Add Questionnaire link
4)  Select the document title of the Questionnaire you want to add to the account and click on Continue

Repeat the steps above for all of the docs you want to test/review.

After you've added the Questionnaire(s) to the sample client account:

1)  Go to the Client "MyLegalAffairs" Login page on your platform

2)  Enter the e-mail you used at registration as the username.  Enter the password:  dlclient

NOTE:  If you created your own sample client account, log in with the username/password you chose.

NOTE:  If a sample client account is not listed, please click on the Add Client link found within the Client Admin tab to create a sample/test account to be used for this purpose

You'll now see each of the Questionnaires you added to the client account.  You can now open, complete & submit each questionnaire like a client would.

After you submit Questionnaires to the firm, you can then log into your Attorney Dashboard and open/review/export the docs as you would as the attorney.